Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy New Year!

Well, it's been a long time and a rough road since we have blogged. Well..... A lot has happened now... Austin ended up getting a job offer from is company Up and Running Inc. - which he works for now. We knew that we would receive an offer, but we figured that we could easily turn it down as we were SO SURE that any offer coming from them would be small and easily turned down. But, it wasn't. Of course not! So, it was a week after that Austin started to get really moody and upset and he just could not work this through, so we decided if he could just go to Florida (our choice place to live) then Heavenly Father would let us know what we should do. So, we drove down to my family's house, sent him off to Florida and I stayed with the kids during Thanksgiving week. Of course, he got his answer.

We will be staying here in Houghton for a few more years at least. We would like to think that we only have to be here one more year and Austin talks like it will only be a short time, but I know that it won't. It will be probably three years or more. I know we don't LOVE it up here and we have already lived through at least four winters, but he will feel obligated to stay. Lets hope that the Lord only needs us to stay for a couple years!

Other than that, we ended up going to Florida for Christmas with my brother and sister in law. They were great and Austin was THRILLED to spend more time with them. The kids were great on the car rides. It was a three day journey from our house to Florida, so it took lots of toys, snacks and movies. Austin and I are still married so that is always good. It means the trip was a success!! lol We will be putting out our yearly movie - we like to send it as our Christmas card - a very late one. lol

We will post pictures from our trip soon!!