Monday, November 17, 2008

Snow is falling all around!

Well, it finally snowed a big snow. We have really been lucky... at least I think so. It's already four or five inches out there and it's got more to go. Tomorrow I am hoping to take the kids out to play in it, and maybe take a few pictures!!! Yeah!!

Tevin is out of school for two weeks and I have to keep explaining to him WHY! lol It's not that big of a deal, I just don't want him to feel like I am punishing him by making him stay home. Today we learned how to make a paper chain and Tevin was so excited when we hung it up over out window!

Zoya is doing well. She learned how to turn the light switch on and off so she has been up on a chair every spare moment. We painted today and she LOVES it! We use those bingo marker paints. The dot-a-dots. After they were done, Tevin and Zoya both helped me put them up all around our front door. It's just so colorful in our house! lol

I will be cleaning up and doing a video walkthrough of our house so everyone can pretend like they're with us! Yeah.

Austin has been super busy. He's preparing for the Thanksgiving break next week so of course that means a TON of things to turn in, tests to take, and so forth. Tonight he is down working on a computer program, but should be home before dawn. Poor guy. Hopefully he can catch a break. Next semester he is really excited because he got signed up for skiing - as a class! Can you believe that? He is so happy, and that makes me happy. The guy needs so much physical activity it's ridiculous! lol

Other than that, we are very quiet here. Life is good - normal. We have truly been blessed.

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