Saturday, July 19, 2008

A long time going!!

Well, it's been a long time since we have blogged and it seems like TOO much has gone on. We had a good rest of June, although it was pretty hectic to get ready for our long trip. LONG it was! But, everyone had fun. We ended up going to the emergency room in North Dakota and it turned out that Zoya had a tonsil infection. No big deal, give her motrin. Ok?! Then we got to Idaho and boy were the kids ecstatic to see the pool! Just like their daddy, they are fishies through and through. Jarrett and Heidi's wedding was wonderful! It was just beautiful. They looked really happy and we felt like it was definitely a good thing that we got to go.

We also got to see Shattuck get set apart for his mission so now he is Elder Kuzmic! Wow! I have actually never been part of having someone from in my family go on a mission. It was kinda like my own brother was going. It was definitely an awesome experience. Anyways, it was sad though because he couldn't swim after that and we felt bad that he couldn't swim anymore.

After a while we had to say goodbye and pack into the car and take a detour to Utah, because our dear Aunt Kathy accidentally swiped our camera! : ) It was funny and she felt bad, but it was a good ride. Then we got to my parent's house in Newport, Michigan. We stayed a few days and the Austin and I left to go home while our kids stayed with Grandma and Grandpa for a couple weeks. Now, I am down here at my parent's getting the kids while poor Austin has to stay at home and work. We will go home soon and then our family will be together again. Maybe slow down a bit. : ) Nah... I doubt it.

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