Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Schooooooooools Back For The Winter!!

Wow! It's been too long since I have blogged. Oh well. We were so excited to hear about so many women in our family having babies!!! I told Austin I was jealous but that didn't seem to bother him : ) !!! We are very busy now. The school year has started and Austin is already busy. I won't be seeing much of him, but I am determined to spend this time bettering myself... and hopefully I will win out. Austin is really happy withhis classes... so far. He is determined to have a positive year and enjoy the time. He is getting closer to being done. It is so scary to think about all of the things we need to do in the next two years before he is finally done. I don't want to think about it.

Tevin is doing great. He is starting his first day of preschool tomorrow (the 3rd). He is in the four year old class in the afternoons (12:30 - 3:30) and they love that Zoya is there so I can volunteer a lot! He is super excited and even bought a Darth Vader Star Wars backpack. Apparently it was to be because we searched Walmart and that was THE ONLY Star Wars backpack in the place. I will post a picture of him with it. He is also excited about his birthday coming up here in a couple weeks on the 20th. He is having a Star Wars party with an R2D2 cake!!! We are going to make lite sabers and have lots of fun. He has a few friends that we are letting him invite. It will be his first friend birthday party!!!!

Zoya is doing awesome! Learning new words every day! She now says "thank you", which is awesome! She is also accident prone we have noticed. She got hit on the back of the head with the swing, and bled a bunch. Then, she fell out of a window - complete freak accident - and scraped her forehead. Plus, about a million tiny things. She's good though and has a high pain tolerance, which is great!!!! She is an onry one though. When Tevin pushes her around, she pushes right back twice as hard.

So, in other words, we are doing good. Soon, I will be released from one of my callings and I will be either Relief Society President or Primary President... and not both. YEAH! I am so happy. I have had some trouble with my weight so I am also seeing a dietitian tomorrow and maybe a doctor. It is good, even though I do not want to do it. I am willing to do anything to make myself healthy. I would love to see my children grow up - without all of the health problems that come from being obese.

Well.... all is well and I know that it will probably be another month before we update this and I don't even know who reads it, but it's good. We love you. Call us when you can, we love to hear how you are doing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I LOOOOOVE the backpack. Wow, everyone is growing so quickly. We miss you.