Zoya was very proud of her pumpkin and it was very cute when she gave it a hug. Also, the funiest thing to me was that when we put a tealight candle in hers, it glowed REALLY bright!!!
Tevin of course was exstatic! He loved his pumpkin and was so happy that Daddy had beat Mommy in the race to finish the pumpkins. He would turn to me and say, "I'm going to beat you!" and then turn to Austin who was carving Tevin's pumpkin and say, "Dad! Hurry Up!"
We had a very good time in our family home evening. Especially Zoya's outrageously bright pumpkin.
Afterwards, we talked about service. Our branch is trying to fulfill the goal that every family have a missionary work plan set and wanted each auxilary to come up with something that can connect the families to the branch plan. Well, I am the Primary President so I thought really hard, but then when I read an old issue of the Ensign, I was reminded of President Monson's birthday gift of warm fuzzies! Perfect! I decided that we would do a warm fuzzies jar and each time they did service to someone, they would be able to put a fuzzy in the jar. If it was a gospel related service, then they got to put a Sparkly Fuzzy in!
We then played with the camera's timed option. It was fun and we got a couple good family shots in. We are a happy family.