I can't believe how long we have gone without updating this blog. Of course I am the only one who does it, but I did read a friend's blog and I really enjoyed it. They seem to use it like a journal - which I guess (duh) is what you should use it for?? Anyways, I have decided I will be more diligent and if anyone ever reads it, then they will know our family. Yeah.So, it's dang cold now. Last week it actually snowed. Tevin was SOOOO excited. He ran to the window and exclaimed, "This is so awesome! Now I can wear my new boots!" Yes, I should have been good and been happy, but I wasn't. I was not looking forward to another seven months of snow. Austin tried to cheer me up, and by the end of the day it worked. We then realized that we had no boots for Zoya, so we had to go to the store. Another yeah. But.... before I go on, I better backtrack a month to fill in this outrageous gap.
Tevin started school and absolutely loves it. I volunteer in his class on Fridays but I'm only allowed if "he can ride the bus home." Ahh. It's started.
Tevin did Soccer this year and e did really well. is best game was of course,the last game, but he was happy and said he really enjoyed it. We only had one bad day and that's a record for us! YEAH! He has really done well. We are very proud of him.
Zoya gets bored at Tevin's soccer games, so she entertains herself - and us at the same time. She is getting so big. I am having a hard time dealing with it. She is very opinionated and knows what she wants, but will almost always say "NO" regardless. Haha
Austin and I had to put our brains together to put on a barbeque for 150 people in our apartment complex. It went well and no one had any problems. Here Tevin and I are posing with Blizzard the Michigan Tech mascot - he's a husky! Tevin's worried - as you can tell. I have been the council president up until recently. I didn't get along with the person who was my supervisor. He didn't like my religion and I didn't like his behavior, so when head came to head, I left. I am a much happier person now. lol
This picture, I have to say I am proud of. After taking some time off for unknown reasons to me (haha) I am back on my low-carb diet. My ultimate goal - 150lbs. Right now? Sitting at 225lbs. It's all good though. I have already lost 25lbs so the rest will be a challenge, but good. Anyways, I am so in love with the fourties and fifties - even 1920's and thirties music and dress and everything. I think if it was easier, Iwould wear those way cute dresses!! I love the aprons and I like the lifestyle. Way fun.... hmm someday. But anyways, I was bored so I curled my hair and tried to recreate a look. Did I do good? I liked it.
Thanks for updatine your blog. It was fun to read. I always look forward to reading about you and your family.
I love the hair! I have to say that I got sick of mine last Christmas and cut it all off again. Then last month I got tired of the color and now it's platinum blond! I do have to say that the suits of the 30s and 40s are fabulous and I would love an excuse to buy one - except that I need my regular body back first.
Keep posting! I can't believe how big the kids are!
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