Thursday, November 12, 2009

Almost.... ALMOST over.

Life as been rough the past few days. Austin has gone out of town to a conference to learn about a computer program that a company he works with is upgrading to. Long story! Anyways, my dearest sweetheart is going to be coming home tomorrow night. YEAH! I can not tell you how happy I am. I am totally serious! I love my children, but sometimes, we just butt heads and it just gets worse from there.

Today I had to go to Tevin's Parent-Teacher Conference. He's doing fabulously and needs to improve a little on the whole listening and not complaining part, but that's a five year old for you. His teacher also informed me that Tevin had HEADLICE! AGH! Apparently 95% of the class has it. So I mildly freak out because I just have to do a ton of work now. So, I take him to the store and get all of the stuff for it (even though I looked and couldn't even find a NIT!). I had him go through the WHOLE process wit washing and combing out his hair and washing all of the sheets. Now, he is bug free.....and I a itchy. I feel stupid but I might have to ask my neighbor (or wait till Austin gets home) to check me just in case. Zoya doesn't have anything, but I might. Ya never know.

Sometimes life can suck, but then you get over it. : ) ha ha Wow.

Tevin seems to be going through another growth spurt - which is what everyone is telling me - (which we can't afford! He goes through clothes like mad) because he has been dropping everything! Spilling milk, dropping plates, dropping food, toys - everything! He can not keep anything upright! lol I am really frustrated. I think we must have had a Half Gallon of milk spill on our floor this week.. or more.

I love my family, I really do. Some days are just better than others.

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